Calm, Mindful, & Evidence Based Child Birth Preparation Classes Online.


A Complete Childbirth Preparation Course that teaches women to reclaim their Natural Birthing Instincts to create a More CALM, COMFORTABLE, & EASIER Birth

HypnoBirthing. The Mongan Method.

What if giving Birth didn’t have to hurt?

I see you Mama.
I see your fears, your worry, and your feelings of powerlessness
about the uncertainties of giving birth.

In a world where it seems that most people only focus on what could go wrong in labour, you are the one who seeks the answers to a quest where birth is meant to be so much more than that.

Are you ready to create the birth that you really want and know that is possible?
Just as nature had always intended for you?

Join the thousands of women worldwide, who have already used the magical power of HypnoBirthing.

Don’t wait until its too late. Start this journey early, and finish strong!!
Your baby is counting on you!!

pregnant mom

Instinctive Birth is based on the proven premise that every woman, by virtue of the fact of being a woman, is endowed with the innate ability to call upon a neurological, physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual response to birth stimuli without the necessity of external devices, manipulation thought or deliberation”.

~ Marie Mongan, Creator of HypnoBirthing 1989

“My dream is that every woman everywhere will know the joy of being able to call upon her natural birthing instinct and bring her baby into the world in calm and peace and comfort”

-Marie Mongan, Creator of HypnoBirthing.

Book a FREE 15 Consultation at or call 705-309-2479 for more information.